Variables |
n | total number of elements |
p | number of processors |
i | the processor number from ( 0 <= i <= p-1) |
MAX | 1.7976931348623158e+308 |
A uniformly distributed random input, obtained by calling the C
library random number generator random(). This function, which
returns integers in the range 0 to 2^31 - 1, is
initialized by each processor i with the value (23 +
1001i). These values are ``normalized'' by first assigning the
integer returned by random() a randomly chosen sign bit and then
scaling the result by MAX/(2^31 - 1).
A Gaussian distributed random input, approximated by adding four calls
to random() and then dividing the result by four. The values
are normalized in the same manner described for [U].
A zero entropy input, created by setting every value to a constant
such as zero.
An input that is sorted into p buckets, obtained by setting the
first n/p^2 elements at each processor to be random numbers
between 0 and (MAX/p) - 1, the second n/p^2
elements at each processor to be random numbers between
MAX/p and (2 × MAX/p) - 1, and so forth.
An input created by first dividing the processors into groups of
consecutive processors of size g, where g can be any
integer which partitions p evenly. If we index these groups in
consecutive order, then for group j we set the first
n/pg elements to be random numbers between ((jg + p/2)
mod p) MAX/p and (((jg + p/2 + 1) mod p)
MAX/p) - 1, the second n/pg elements at each processor
to be random numbers between ((jg + p/2 + 1) mod p)
MAX/p and (((jg + p/2 + 2) mod p) MAX/p) -
1, and so forth.
The Staggered Benchmark is created as follows: if the processor index
i is < p/2, then we set all n/p elements at that
processor to be random numbers between (2i + 1)×
MAX/p and ((2i + 2)× MAX/p) - 1, and so
forth. Otherwise, we set all n/p elements to be random numbers
between (i - p/2) × MAX/p and ((i - p/2 + 1)
× MAX/p) - 1, and so forth.
Return to the Experimental Parallel Algorithmics Experimental Data Sets page.
[U] Uniform
[G] Gaussian
[Z] Zero
[B] Bucket Sorted
[g-G] g-Group
[S] Staggered