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Perceptual Interfaces and Reality Laboratory

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Director: Ramani Duraiswami                                                                          
Faculty: Larry S. Davis, Nail Gumerov, Yaser Yacoob and David Harwood

Perceptual Interfaces are concerned with extending human computer interaction to use all modalities of human perception. Our current research efforts are focused at including vision, audition, and touch in the process. The goal of perceptual reality is to create virtual and augmented versions of the world, that are perceptually identical to the human with the real world. The goal of creating perceptual user interfaces is to allow humans to have natural means of interacting with computers, appliances and devices using voice, sounds, gestures, and touch.

In both creating virtual reality, and in acquiring multimodal input from humans, our research emphasizes physics-based algorithms, efficient computation, and real-time implementations.

 Another portion of our research is concerned with creating prosthetic devices for the vision and hearing impaired, by mapping inputs from one modality into equivalent ones in another, so that computationally augmented input streams can be created with extra content from the missing modality.

Affiliated Faculty | Synergistic Laboratories at UMD | Synergistic Departments/Academic Programs at UMD 
External Collaborators
| Funding Sources (Current) | Physical Location | Current Students 

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Contact Webmaster Site Last Updated On: 04-08-2002
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Affiliated Faculty 




















Synergistic Laboratories at UMD 

PIRL collaborates in common projects with the following laboratories, already present in UMIACS and/or ISR.





















Synergistic Departments/Academic Programs at UMD 





















External Collaborators 
























Funding Sources (Current) 

09/00 – 09/05:
ITR: Personalized Spatial Audio via Scientific Computing and Computer Vision, NSF
04/00 – 04/03: Textual Information Access for the Visually Impaired, NSF
03/02 – 03/03:
Auditory Displays for Augmented Cognition, DARPA/ONR




















Physical Location 

The Perceptual Interfaces and Reality Laboratory
3366, #115, A. V. Williams Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Students involved in the laboratory have offices in 3362, 3364 and 3368



















Current Students