Call for Paper


Congratulations on your paper being accepted to MUM.

All of the papers have been added to the agenda and will be published in the proceedings. There are a couple of important pieces of information for speakers and demo/poster participants.

Oral Presentations: The oral presentations will be up to 18 minutes with an additional 2-3 minutes for questions. We will provide a laptop and PC projector, so please let us know if you need any other types of projection systems (VCR, Slides, or a manual overhead projector).

Poster and Demo Presentations: This year, we will have an abstract session for the posters and demos. The abstract is simply an introduction to let audience know what they will see at your poster or demo. It will take place immediately before the poster session and is optional. You will be limited to 2 slides and 3 minutes. This is just an extra time to introduce yourself to the audience, and is not intended to be a full presentation.

For the actual poster session, each poster will have a vertical 4x8 board to hang the posters. This can be done anytime on Thursday. If you are giving a demo or are giving a demo and poster, we can supply 6 foot skirted tables with electrical power. Simply let us know ahead of time what you need.

We will have wireless internet access at the conference.


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